Extensive Use of VFX and Special Effects in Harry Potter Movies
We all are fans of the Harry Potter series based on J.K. Rowling’s best-selling books. There are so many different reasons behind the success of these movies. Great storytelling, interesting characters, and the use of special effects are responsible for the success of these movies.
In this blog, we will focus on the VFX part of these movies. After discussing the basics of VFX, we will also talk about some of the interesting facts that you must learn. Keep reading to learn more about them in detail. If you are a fan of Harry Potter movies and want to visit the Harry Potter Museum near London, get Watford AirPort taxis and visit the place.
Exactly How Much VFX Work Is There in These Movies?
Have you watched all the Harry Potter movies attentively? Then, you must know about the extensive use of VFX in the world-building of these movies. We have recently gone through some of the interviews given by the filmmakers of these films. According to them, almost all the shots in the movies do have some sort of special effects. You can imagine all the hard work going there in the film.
You will be surprised that almost over 2000 VFX shots are there in those films. If you take the Deathly Hallows movie, it has almost over 1000 shots that get some treatment. From flying broomsticks to creatures, all are part of this VFX work.
Basics that You Need to Learn About VFX
The following aspects are the absolute basics that you need to know about VFX work.
Use of Green and Blue Screens
You must have seen people shooting in front of a green screen or blue screen. The interesting part is that in the editing process, we can replace the green or blue screen and replace it with any background. This is the most basic technique that you will have to learn before doing any work.
What About CGI?
Computer-generated graphics, or CGI, is completely different than VFX. In fact, creating natural-looking characters is not that simple. While watching those movies, have you thought that Dobby the house-elf was completely computer-generated? The technology has become so advanced that it is hard to point out any difference.
How to Capture Motions?
Motion capture is another important aspect of VFX technology. Here, an actor will perform, and the same movement will be transferred into a CGI model. Hiring an AirPort taxi Watford is instrumental if you want to visit the Harry Potter studio. There, you will see some of the miniature models used in the film.
Use of Practical Effects
We have just talked about miniature models. These models are effective in creating special shots that will look like the original in the final movie.
Here Are Some Tips That Will Help You Understand Things More Prominently
1. Overuse of VFX shots can make things jury.
2. Consume more content on the VFX breakdowns to understand things more profoundly.
3. The technology is moving very fast, and in the coming days, we will see more growth.
We have tried to give you an overview of VFX use in films and impacts, you must consult with an expert to learn more.