Why media is making fun of the Hindu religion.
I am a Hindu, but I can’t say it in front of a bunch of media elitists. I will be mocked for my beliefs, my mother’s karwachauth, my Gods — this is their way of lynching a Hindu.
I am a moderate Hindu who does not go to temples, whose beliefs are shaky, but I still get hurt when they mock my Gods.
If I am not doing anything to you, why are you making fun of Hanumanji? Pray, tell?
So, this is what happened: The Wire’s editor went in a cab, in North India, there was a cliche driver, the Hindus were celebrating their festival rather violently, she got scared and called our God a militant. Do you sense a pattern here? There always is one.
Their templatized engine works as awesome as an Artificial Intelligent engine.
Question us, mock us, abuse us. But, don’t name call our Gods. That’s not cool.
Every time one reads such news pieces, one questions the motives.
Reason 1: They are being paid to peddle lies. It is said money is a wise man’s religion, and perhaps, they are indeed wise.
Reason 2: They believe in what they write. My question to them is — with your fancy accents, elite mindset, why are you still discussing religion in this time and age?
Reason 3: No one is reading them, their traffic numbers are bad and this is their last-ditch effort.
For the longest time, you have been telling us that the youth of this country does not care about news. I say it out loud: They do, but they don’t care about the news you shove down their throat.
For the longest time, you made us believe that we care about temples and mosques. I say it out loud: We don’t.
All Indians want is livelihood, peace, good food, entertainment. And, a smartphone.
I found this article form : https://www.newsbytesapp.com/timeline/india/19752/93954/indian-media-and-what-is-wrong-with-it